Climate Change Impacts and Issues

The physical, social, economic and ecological health of Windsor is influenced by our changing climate in a variety of complex and interdependent ways. This Adaptation Plan addresses a wide range of climate impacts that may pose risks to systems and sectors across the community.

Physical Impacts

Climate change impacts will affect the built infrastructure in Windsor, from roads and bridges, to buildings, transportation systems, energy systems, parks, and public spaces. More frequent and extreme temperatures and precipitation events will increase maintenance requirements, replacements costs, and increase potential for the loss of assets throughout the community. Increased precipitation will have a direct impact on stormwater (e.g. stormwater pond capacity) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. road flooding).

Public health and safety can also be threatened when extreme weather causes dangerous conditions in public places or in the transportation system. Cultural sites, parks, and community spaces such as rinks, pools, soccer fields and trails are also at risk of damage or closure due to temperature and precipitation changes. It is crucial to ensure that risks to Windsor’s built infrastructure are measured thoroughly and adaptive measures are put in place to protect these valuable resources and those who use them.