Appendix ‘D’ — Lighting Intensity Standard Study (LISS) CR228/2005

BASIS Report Number: 11225 GF/1325 C18


  1. That the following Guiding Principles ARE ADOPTED for the lighting of private lands, subject to Site Plan Control approval. in the City of Windsor and will be incorporated into a Lighting Standards Manual:

    1. Contribute to personal safety
    2. Support the supervision of secure areas
    3. Assist in wayfinding
    4. Conserve energy
    5. Preserve the experience of the night sky
    6. Respect the privacy of residential space
    7. Respect animal habitat
    8. Heighten the enjoyment of public space and nighttime activity
    9. Apply the above-listed guiding principles consistently
    10. Lead by example (City of Windsor):

  2. That to ensure the provision of adequate and safe full cut off lighting levels, bonding for the provision of onsite lighting BE REQUIRED as a condition of site plan approvals as warranted.

  3. That lighting plans and photometric charts (as required) BE PREPARED, and all lighting BE INSTALLED and MAINTAINED by the applicant, in accordance with lighting plans. to their best ability, (for all development sites of 25.000 square feet or greater) and approved and enforced by the Chief Building Official.

  4. That the 2005 review of the Official Plan INCORPORATE lighting policies in the Official Plan.

  5. That the Sign By-Law 250-2004 BE REVIEWED with regards to externally lit billboards and electronic changing copy signs and their impact on the night sky and traffic safety;

  6. VI. That lighting requirement for existing development, as included in the Property Standards By-law, BE REPORTED by Administration (Inspection Services Section) to Council. VII. Those lighting requirements for public sector City rights-of-way and other publicly owned lands BE REPORTED by Administration (Street Lighting Committee) to Council.

  7. That all Site Plan Control applications in their review and approval SHALL BE CONSISTENT with the Guiding Principles in Recommendation I and implement as required the techniques included in Techniques to Implement Lighting Guiding Principles: Table I Illumination Requirements; Table II Guidelines for Structure Lighting and Illustrations, as follows: 

'Techniques To Implement Lighting Guiding Principles: 

  1. (Contribute to personal safety)

    1. Locate lamps so as to avoid glare
    2. Provide additional shielding of lamp fixtures to avoid glare
    3. Provide minimum illumination in accordance with Table 1: Illumination Requirements
    4. Provide uniform lighting without sudden light to dark transitions
    5. Provide overlap of light distribution
    6. Provide illumination to articulate steps vii. Coordinate spacing and height of lamps with landscaping to ensure lighting coverage is not interrupted by tree canopies