ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNIT DEFINITION An additional dwelling unit (additional unit) is a separate residential dwelling unit consisting of a separate access, kitchen, washroom, and living space that is within a single detached, semi-detached, or rowhouse dwelling (i.e. the primary dwelling unit) or a building accessory to the primary dwelling unit located on the same lot. 


  1. must be located on lands designated for residential use on Schedules D and E;

  2. shall not be located within any part of a basement or cellar (i.e. part of a building below grade) within the floodplain areas shown on Schedule C; and

  3. outside of the floodplain areas shown on Schedule C, shall not be located within any part of a basement or cellar (i.e. part of a building below grade) unless the flood mitigation criteria to be prescribed in the Zoning Bylaw has been met to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official or City Engineer. This criteria may include but is not limited to:

    1. Eavestrough downspouts are disconnected from the City of Windsor’s sewer system;

    2. Sump pump installation;

    3. Foundation drain disconnection from the sewer system or connection to the sump pump;

    4. Requirement for a backflow sanitary valve;

    5. Where required, a sewage ejector pump has been installed in the additional unit. 
      (Amended by OPA122 - APPROVED November 21, 2018, B/L#148-2018)