ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNIT REQUIREMENTS An additional dwelling unit shall be permitted within the primary dwelling unit and a building accessory to the primary dwelling unit subject to the following criteria:

  1. The additional unit conforms with the definition and location requirements set out in and;

  2. Only one additional unit is permitted in the primary dwelling unit and one additional unit in a building accessory to primary dwelling unit;

  3. The Zoning By-law may regulate the character, size, and gross floor area of the additional unit;

  4. Parking can be accommodated where required by the Zoning By-law;

  5. Where located on a property identified on the Municipal Heritage Register or within a Heritage Area identified on Schedule G the additional unit must not alter the exterior of an existing primary or accessory building visible from the street or other public space unless it is demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the City Planner, that the proposed alteration would not detract from the cultural heritage value and attributes of the property or Heritage Area; and

  6. The additional unit complies with health and safety standards.
    (Amended by OPA122 - APPROVED November 21, 2018, B/L#148-2018)

REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO A ADDITIONAL UNIT IN AN ACCESSORY BUILDING An additional unit within a building that is accessory to a singledetached, semi-detached, or a rowhouse dwelling is permitted subject to the following criteria:  

  1. The proposed additional unit conforms with the definition, location, and general requirements set out in -;
  2. The additional unit shall have direct pedestrian access from a paved public street or alley;
  3. The additional unit shall have municipal sanitary sewer, municipal storm water outlet, electrical, and water services;
  4. Only one Private Drain Connection (PDC) is permitted per property;
  5. A municipal address for the additional unit shall be clearly visible from the public street; and
  6. The Zoning By-law may regulate the height, size, and setbacks of an accessory building which contains an additional unit.
    (Amended by OPA122 - APPROVED November 21, 2018, B/L#148-2018)