City Council
Monday, March 02, 2020

Adopted by Council at its meeting held March 2, 2020 (CR114/2020)

March 2, 2020

Meeting called to order at: 5:36 p.m.

Members in Attendance:

Mayor D. Dilkens
Councillor F. Francis
Councillor F. Costante
Councillor C. Holt
Councillor R. Bortolin
Councillor G. Kaschak
Councillor J. Gignac
Councillor K. McKenzie
Councillor J. Morrison
Councillor E. Sleiman

Also in attendance:

O. Colucci, Chief Administrative Officer

J. Payne, Community Development and Health Commissioner and Corporate Leader Social Development, Health, Recreation and Culture

M. Winterton, City Engineer and Corporate Leader Environmental Protection and Transportation

V. Critchley, City Clerk/Licence Commissioner and Corporate Leader Public Engagement and Human Resources

J. Mancina, Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer and Corporate Leader Finance and Technology

S. Askin-Hager, City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety

J. Wilson, Corporate Leader, Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Culture

A. Teliszewsky, Mayor’s Chief of Staff

P. Brode, Senior Legal Counsel (Item 5) 

Verbal Motion is presented by Councillor Gignac, seconded by Councillor McKenzie, that Rule 3.3 (c) of the Procedure By-law, 98-2011, BE WAIVED to add the following Agenda items: