City Council
Monday, February 24, 2020

That Administration BE REQUESTED to provide information related to procedure and guidelines regarding Advisory Committee annual reporting.

Report Number: SCM 32/2020 & SCM 459/2019

Clerk’s File: MT2019

8.7. Town & Gown Committee 2019 Annual Report

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR81/2020

That the 2019 Annual Report of the Town & Gown Committee BE FORWARDED back to the Town & Gown Committee for review and comment; and,

That Administration BE REQUESTED to provide information related to procedure and guidelines regarding Advisory Committee annual reporting.

Report Number: SCM 33/2020 & SCM 454/2019

Clerk’s File: MB2019

8.11. Minutes of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee of its meeting held December 3, 2019

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR85/2020 CSPS 90

That the minutes of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee of its meeting held December 3,2019 BE RECEIVED.

Report Number: SCM 44/2020 & SCM 20/2020

Clerk’s File: MB2019

8.12. Report No. 126 of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee - December 2019 Revised Terms of Reference and Mandate

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR86/2020 CSPS 91

That Report No. 126 of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee indicating:

That the attached December 2019 Revised Terms of Reference and Mandate for the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee including legislative and housekeeping edits as identified in bold and italics BE APPROVED.