Special Meeting of Council
Monday, January 27, 2020 

Janesse Talbot, resident of Ward 5

Janesse Talbot, resident of Ward 5 appears before Council and expresses concern with the proposed increase to the 2020 taxes for City of Windsor residents and concludes by suggesting that homeowners should not be paying for busses that are deployed into the County and changes to proposed routes and times should be decided by a survey that is provided to residents.

Tom Henderson, representing Detroit River Canadian Clean-up

Tom Henderson, representing Detroit River Canadian Clean-up appears before Council and commends Council for their decision to actively pursue Ojibway Shores, thanks the Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority for their funding, a part of which will be used to kick off the Environmental Assessment for the eco-passage bridge; and concludes by providing some information related to species in the Ojibway area.

Marion Overholt, Executive Director, Legal Assistance of Windsor (re housing issues)

Marion Overholt, Executive Director, Legal Assistance of Windsor appears before Council in support of funding for shelter review, affordable housing and a housing strategy; and concludes by suggesting that a 10 year review to replace housing structures is imperative; affordable housing and addressing shelter needs for youth and families is important to build a supportive inclusive community and should be undertaken as soon as possible.

Mayor Dilkens leaves the meeting at 11:12 o’clock a.m. and Councillor Holt assumes the Chair.

Caroline Taylor, resident of Ward 2 (re free bulk item pickup)

Caroline Taylor, resident of Ward 2 appears before Council and expresses concern with the quantity of furniture that has been illegally left sitting on the side of the road and concludes by requesting that fees be removed from bulk item pickup to encourage more usage of the program.

Mayor Dilkens returns to the meeting at 11:14 o’clock a.m. and Councillor Holt returns to his seat at the Council table.

Dee Sweet, resident of Ward 10

Dee Sweet, resident of Ward 10, appears before Council and encourages members of Council to consider the residents and citizens of the City when making decisions and concludes by suggesting that the City should keep the rat baiting program, bulk item pickup, and other programs that put the resident first.