Special Meeting of Council
Monday, January 27, 2020

Dianne McDonald, resident of Ward 3

Dianne McDonald, resident of Ward 3 appears before Council regarding the parking lot for Wigle Park, suggesting that Council consider moving the parking lot to McDougall as Mercer Street’s traffic has been steadily increasing.

Tasha Stansbury and Ali Tejani, Cities & Climate Action Forum, U of W Law

Tasha Stansbury and Ali Tejani, Cities & Climate Action Forum, U of W Law appear before Council regarding climate change and suggest that priorities need to be considered in order to meet international and national targets; stress the importance of the action items resulting from the National Climate Declaration; and suggest that consideration be given to adopting more of a climate budget which includes tree planting, focus on bicycling and other green projects including climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Jonathan Choquette, Wildlife Preservation Canada

Jonathan Choquette, Wildlife Preservation Canada appears before Council regarding the closure of Machette and Malden roads, suggesting that an under road crossing would be ideal and urges the City to undertake the Eco-Passage project immediately in order to leverage funding that is available from the Federal Government.

Patricia Gorman, City resident

Patricia Gorman, city resident appears before Council and expresses concern related to the eco-passages project and the necessity of this project in order to prevent unnecessary killing of threatened and endangered species; and concludes by suggesting that driving on these roadways has a negative impact on the immediate area.

The Special Meeting of Council recesses at 11:40 o’clock a.m.

The Special Meeting of Council reconvenes 1:05 o’clock p.m.

10.1. 2020 Operating Budget Report – City Wide


10.2. 2020 8-Year Recommended Capital Budget

Joe Mancina, Chief Financial Officer / City Treasurer

Joe Mancina, Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer, appears before City Council and provides a brief overview of the 2020 Operating and Capital Budget, including the following details: Budget