Special Meeting of Council
Monday, January 27, 2020

That Administration BE REQUESTED to report back to Council on the impact of increasing Sidewalk Cafe Encroachment fees.


Councillors Francis, Gignac and Sleiman voting nay.

Reference # 2020-0212

Monthly parking rate increase in Garages and Lots

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: B53/2020
That the monthly Garage and Lot parking fee currently at $5.00 BE INCREASED to $10.00 per month.

Councillors Gignac and Francis voting nay.

Reference # 2020-0213

Increase Annual Residential Parking Permit Fees

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin

Seconded by: Councillor Costante

Decision Number: B54/2020

That with regards to the “Increase Annual Residential Parking Permit Fees” in the amount of $7,475 that this BE NOT APPROVED.

Councillors Francis, Gignac, and Sleiman voting nay.

Reference # 2020-124
Decrease in Ontario Works (OW) Program Delivery (PD) Provincial Revenue

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Gignac

That with regards to the the “Decrease in Ontario Works (OW) Program Delivery (PD) Provincial Revenue” in the amount of $543,041, that this BE FUNDED using the Budget Stabalization Reserve Fund for 2020.

The motion is put and is lost.

Aye votes: Councillors Francis, Gignac, and Sleiman.

Nay votes: Councillors Costante, Bortolin, Holt, Kaschak, McKenzie, and Morrison.

Abstain: None.