Minutes City Council Monday, January 20, 2020



To ensure objectivity, the AG shall not implement procedures or controls. develop records, or engage in any activity that would impair their objectivity. To assist management in discharging their responsibilities, the AG office may advise management in the formulation of policies and procedures, or the development of new systems. However to remain independent and objective, it will be in an advisory mpacity. with final decisions and implementation being the responsibility of the appropriate management.

The AG shall not have direct responsibility or authority over any activities which they review. The AG will attest to the organizational independence of the AG's & related staff/personnel audit activity and identify any unwarranted restrictions on audit scope. communications, access, and resources, including personnel and externally contracted resources to Council through the 0880, at least annually.


The AG will submit to the C880:

  1. A rolling three-year risk-based Audit Plan for approval by Council. Annual Audit Plans will be developed based on a prioritization of the audit universe using a risk-based methodology, including input from the Mayor, Councillors, the City of Windsor Corporate Leadership Team, senior management and other identified City of \N|ndsor staff. Any significant deviation from the approved Audit Plan, including modifications made by the AG based on merit and the AG powers, will be communicated to the 0880 through periodic updates.

  2. A written report will be prepared and issued following the conclusion of each audit engagement and once discussed with management. will be distributed as appropriate, including the C880. To ensure management feedback and to encourage management participation in the process, the audit report will include management's response and corrective action is taken or to be taken in regard to the specific findings and recommendations, including a timetable of anticipated completion.

  3. A written report will be prepared based on validation of management‘s corrective action plan closure and summary status for all unresolved findings (those open as of the prior report as well as the new ones raised in the period).

  4. An annual report on the audit activities conducted during the proceeding year.
  5. Immediate communication of any suspected or known instances of fraud to the CSSC.


The internal audit profession is covered by the International Professional Practices Framework of The Institute of Internal Auditors. This framework includes mandatory elements consisting of the

The Corporation of the City of Windsor