Minutes City Council Monday, January 20, 2020




Under the Act, section 223.19 (5) the Auditor General has the ability to delegate powers and duties while also retaining those powers and duties (section 223.29 (6).

The Auditor General hereby delegates the following powers and duties conferred upon him through the Act and Charter to all Internal Audit personnel:

Duty to Furnish: 223.20 (1) The municipality. its local boards and the municipally-controlled corporations and grant recipients referred to in subsection 223.19 (3) shall give the Auditor General such information regarding their powers. duties. activities, organization, financial transactions and methods of business as the Auditor General believes to be necessary to perform his or her duties under this Part. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A. s. 98.

Access to Records: 223.20 (2) The Auditor-General is entitled to have free access to all books, accounts, financial records, electronic data processing records, reports, files and all other papers, things or property belonging to or used by the municipality, the local board, the municipality-controlled corporation or the grant recipient, as the case may be, that the Auditor General believes to be necessary to perform his or her duties under this Part. 2006, c. 32. Sched. A. s. 98.

Duty of Confidentiality: 223.22 (1) The Auditor General and every person acting under the instructions of the Auditor General shall reserve secrecy with respect to all matters that come to his or her knowledge in the course of his or her duties under this Part. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 98.

Testimony: 223.23 Neither the Auditor General nor any person acting under the instructions of the Auditor General is a competent or compellable witness in a civil proceeding in connection with anything done under this Part. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 98.

Further, the Auditor General hereby delegates the powers and duties (specifically, scope, authority, access and support, independence & objectivity, reporting & monitoring and standards) outlined in the Auditor General Charter to all Internal Audit personnel such that those personnel support him in executing said, Charter.