Minutes City Council Monday, January 20, 2020

CR34/2020 - Item 8.1 – Appendix A

Royal Bank of Canada

Resolution Regarding Banking

For use by Cities, Towns, Villages, Municipalities, Hospitals, Regional Health Authorities, School Districts, Divisions and Regional Divisions, Self—Governed First Nations, and Treaty Nations


Legal Name:    (the Customer)



  1. THAT ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ("Royal Bank“) is appointed banker tor the Customer.
  2. THAT____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ are authorized on the behalf of the customer from time to time.
  1. to withdraw or order transfers of funds from the Customer's accounts by any means including the making, drawing, accepting, endorsing or signing of cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange. other orders for the payment of money or other instruments or the giving of other instructions:

  2. to sign any agreements or other documents or instruments with or in favor of Royal Bank. including agreements and contracts relating to products or services provided by Royal Bank to the Customer; and

  3. to do, or to authorize any person or persons to do, any one or more of the following:

    1. to receive from Royal Bank any cash or any securities, instruments or other property of the Customer held by Royal Bank, whether for safekeeping or as security or to give instructions to Royal Bank for the delivery or other transfer of any such cash, securities, instruments or other property to any person named in those instructions;

    2. to deposit with or negotiate or transfer to Royal Bank, for the credit of the Customer, cash or any security, instrument or other property, and for those purposes to endorse (by rubber stamp or otherwise) the name of the Customer, or any other name under which the Customer carries on business. on any security or instrument;

    3. to instruct Royal Bank, by any means, to debit the accounts of third parties for deposit to the credit of the Customer: and

    4. to receive statements, instruments and other items (Including paid cheques) and documents relating to the Customer's accounts with or any service of Royal Bank, and to settle and certify the Customer's accounts with Royal Bank. 

3. That all instruments, instructions, agreements (including contracts relating to products or services provided by Royal Bank) and documents made, drawn, accepted, endorsed or signed (under the corporate seal or otherwise) as provided in this Resolution and delivered to Royal Bank by any person, shall be valid and binding on the Customer, and Royal Bank is hereby authorized to act on them and give effect to them.