19.5 a_CaseA case managementconferenceheld in person will be open to the public. A case managementconferenceheld byelectronic hearing willbe opento the public where practical. Despite the general principle of public open sessions, where circumstances prevail that may require confidentiality, in the discretion of the presiding Member,part or all of the conference may be conducted in camera.

19.6 ProcedureThe Tribunal Member may, at anytime, conduct a procedural discussion, initiate a motion, inquire into a preliminary matter, or convert the conference into a hearing. The Tribunal will state in the notice of a case managementconferencethatthe parties are expectedto arrive prepared for a proceduralandsettlement conference as well as a preliminary hearing, where evidenceor formal statements or submissions may be heard. Even if no settlementis reached, the Tribunal may proceed to makea final decision on any evidence received during the conference.

19.7 Attend If a party fails to attend the conference in person or by authorized representative, the Tribunal may proceed withoutthat party. The non- attending party is not entitled to notice of subsequent hearing events in the proceedings.

19.8 OrderThe Memberconducting the case management conferencewill issue an order that may decide any of the matters considered at the conference and provide procedural directions for any subsequent hearing event.

19.9 MemberThe Memberconducting the hearing or any subsequenthearing eventis boundby the orderresulting from the case managementconference unless the Memberis satisfied that there is good reason to vary the order.

19.10 HoldingThe Tribunal may direct in an order following a conference that hearing events in a proceeding be held by a combination of written, electronic or oral hearing events.