19.1 ManagementAt the requestof a party, on its own initiative or as maybe required by LPATA,the Tribunal may directparties to participate in a case managementconference conducted by a Member, which can include settlement conferences, motions or preliminary hearing matters, in order to:
(a) identify the parties and participants and determinethe issues raised by the appeal;
(b) identify facts or evidence the parties may agree uponoron whichthe Tribunal may makea binding decision;
(c) obtain admissions that may simplify the hearing, which may include the examinationof personsby the Tribunal as part of the conference;
(d) provide directions for exchangeofwitnesslists, witness statements, expert witness statements and reports, for meetings of experts to address the disclosure ofinformation, including the disclosure of the information that was not provided to the Municipality before Council made its decision that is the subjectof the appeal, and for further disclosure where necessary;
(e) provide directions to the partiestofile a hearing plan to outline how the hearing will proceed, the order of witnesses, or the anticipated time for submissions to ensurethat the Tribunal sets aside sufficienttime in its hearing calendar to disposeof the issues;
(f) discuss opportunities for settlement, including possible use of mediation or otherdispute resolution processes;
(g) fix a date and place for the hearing and estimateits length, and encourage the parties to agree uponthe datesfor any proceduralsteps;
(h) discuss issuesof confidentiality, including any needto hold a part of the hearing inthe absenceof the public or to seal documents;
(i) address the production and cost sharing of joint document books; and
(j) deal with any other matter that mayassist in a fair, cost-effective, and expeditious resolution of the issues.
19.2 ConferenceTheTribunal mayprovide a sample proceduralorderto the parties before the case managementconference. The parties are expected to meet before the case managementconference to considerthe matters set outin Rule 19.1 and present recommendations to the Tribunal for the conductof the hearing. A sample procedural order is listed in the index of forms on the final page of these Rules.
19.3 Serving Notice of a Conference The Tribunal will issue directions to serve a Notice of Case ManagementConferencethat providesthe time and place of the conference. The person or municipality who is issued the direction must serve this notice on those personsentitled to notice of the conference andprovide an affidavit tothe Tribunal, at or prior to the conference, to prove service ofthe notice.
19.4 MemberThe Associate Chairwill assign at least one