Bortolin City Solicitor CQ 23-2019Asks that Administration report back on the potential options around licensing and zoning payday loan establishments with input from legal, licensing, zoning and social services. As well as how other jurisdictions have proceeded on this issue.SW2019 (September 9, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written Report
Holt City Solicitor CQ 24-2019Asks that Administration report back to council at the September 23, 2019 meeting with addendums to the By-law that identifies 2 of the 9 BIA’s as “Tourist Destinations” that extend this benefit to all BIA’s and take advantage of the pending wayfinding signage program equally.SW2019 (September 9, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written ReportCR565/2019 Referred to WIBIAC for comment
Bortolin City Planner CQ 27-2019Asks administration to report back on potential incentives that can be offered to encourage the investment in affordable housing, including but not limited to, a community-wide CIP specific to housing and a consideration given to Development Charges waivers.GH/6905 (September 23, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written Report
Bortolin City Solicitor CQ31-2019Asks that Administration review By-laws that deal with dumping on private property. Currently we do not have By-laws restricting dumping on private property if done so with permission. Asking that legal come back with options to create a By-law not allowing dumping on vacant properties in any way.AB2019 (November 18, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written Report