Gignac City Solicitor CQ14-2019Asks that Council receive an administrative report outlining how residents can have traffic calming components introduced in their neighbourhoods if they don’t meet warrant benchmarks?ACO/13382 (June 17, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written ReportCR261/2020Referred to 2021Capital Budget.R#S 58/2020
Kaschak City Solicitor CQ 15-2019Asks that administration report back to council regarding traffic calming methods for local streets that do not meet warrants for stop signs. My focus is specifically regarding the installation of speed humps being installed on some potential residential streets like in many other Ontario cities specifically Ottawa and Toronto. For proven traffic calming results.ST2019 (July 8, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written ReportCR261/2020Referred to 2021Capital BudgetR#S 58/2020..
Gignac CorporateLeader Parks,Recreation,Culture &Facilities CQ 16-2019Asks that Administration prepare a maintenance plan for East Bank of Little River where resident delegations identified a noxious, invasive plant (weed) issue.SR2019 (July 8, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written Report
Costante City Planner CQ 20-2019Asks that administration report back on inclusionary zoning and how it could be applied to the City of Windsor.Z2019 (July 22, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written Report
Costante City Treasurer CQ 21-2019Asks administration to report back on the ability, opportunities and potential implications of imposing a vacant home tax. More specifically, how a vacant home tax could relate or align with the 10-year Housing and Homeless Master Plan and current Provincial legislation and how a tax on vacant homes may be used to address housing needs and homelessness in the community. I am requesting that administration bring forward the information and recommendations in a report to council for considerationSW2019 (September 9, 2019) Type ofResponseRequired -Written Report