June 19,2O2O

City of Windsor
Tax Department
4OO C¡ty HallSquare East, Suite 2O1
Windsor, ON NgA 7Ko

Attention: City of Windsor Council Dear Sins/Madams:

Dear Sins/Madams:

Re:  Request to Waive Development Changes
Oruner - Windsor Christian Fellowship Tenant:Windsor Lifeline Outreach
4490 7'Concession Rd, Windson f"Properw"ì

ln light of the conlinuing impact Covid-'1 I has had on oun community, we have submit[ed an application to expand our existing food bank to help meet the gnowing needs in our city. At this time, we submit this letter to kindly nequest that you considen our request to waive the development fee for this expansion.

WLO cunnently serues over 5OO families in lhe Windson{ssex community expeniencing food insecurity per month. WLO is a non-profit philanthnopic organization and registered as a Chanity, that operates a food bank and clothing centre in partnenship wibh the WindsonEssex Foodbanks Association to help alleviaæ the impact of poverty in the City of Windsor'.

As well as a food bank to the public, the site is also utilized by a numben of olher food banks as a distribution centre. WLO stores food fon other local food banks and they rely on us to help stone and deliven items across the entine county. To betber serue our community, our proiect is centered on the construction of a large cooler to pneserve food donations. The cooler will allow for an incnease in donations both in volume and kind due to the ability to pneserue meat products.

WLO is entirely support by the Windsor€ssex community. To help accomplish this pnoject, a number of local businesses have partnened with us by donating thein time, money, and resources. Those who have stepped fonruard include DC McCloskey Engineening, Turnkey, Empire Roofing, Tilbury Concrete, Walker Aggnegate, Atlas Tubing and Rosati Construction. However, to accomplish this project we also need the supporu of the City of Windson.

For the above neasons, we respectfully request that the development charges for the construction of oun addition be waived. Thank you fon your consideration of this matten and we look fonruard to wonking closely with the City of Windsor as we meet the needs of oun community togethen.