From: Brian Hogan <>
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 7:12 PM
To: mayoro <>; Francis, Fred <>; Gignac, Jo-Anne (Councillor) <>; Holt, Chris <>; Bortolin, Rino <>; Sleiman, Ed <>; Kaschak, Gary <>; Morrison, Jim <>; clerks <>; Costante, Fabio <>; Mckenzie, Kieran <>
Cc: Brian Hogan <>

Subject: Pandemice: Task Force & Municipalities' Finances

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Mayor & Councillors,

Like City Council, the pandemic has been top of mind for the WDLC over the last few months. Trying to take care of others is a responsibility we share. We would like the opportunity to work closely with you on a couple pandemic topics.

WDLC and its affiliates strongly encourage you to create a Task Force made up of a variety of voices to help Council develop a vision and plan on what post-pandemic Windsor should look like.

We would like to be a part of the Task Force and be given the opportunity to share Labour's vision, passion and expertise. Some of our strengths are that we understand workers, social issues (inequality, poverty, environment), and new economic opportunities such as the Green Economy.

By the way, this request is being made to the County Council, and Labour Councils across the country are making this same request. Labour shares a common passion as Council, non-profits, business, and ordinary citizens; we all care for this Community and want it to thrive.

Along with the need for a Task Force, Labour is keenly aware of Municipalities' financial concerns brought on by the pandemic. WDLC is in the process of lobbying senior levels of government on this very issue on behalf of Windsor.

Thanks for the opportunity to share ideas to help Our Community. Please contact me anytime ( or 226-348-7597 ) to discuss this any other issue.


Brian Hogan WDLC