Item No. 7.1.2

Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario

Tribunaux de l’environnement et de l'aménagement du territoire Ontario

Local Planning Appeal Tribunal

Tribunal d’appel de l’aménagement local

655 Bay Street, Suite 1500
Toronto ON M5G 1E5

655 rue Bay, suite 1500
Toronto ON M5G 1E5


(416) 212-6349


(416) 212-6349

Toll Free:


Sans Frais:



Site Web:

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 26(b) of the Expropriations

Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, as amended

Claimant:Power Cycle Inc.
Respondent:City of Windsor
Subject:Land Compensation
Property Address /3140 Walker Rd
Municipality:City of Windsor
LPAT Case No:LC150015
LPAT File No.LC150015
LPAT Case Name:Power Cycle Inc. v. Windsor (City)


The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (“Tribunal”) will conduct a Status Teleconference for this matter.

This will be held:

at: 09:00 AM

on: Wednesday July 08, 2020

The following individuals are scheduled to participate in the teleconference call at the above mentioned time:

The individuals noted above shall call (416) 212-8012 or Toll Free 1-(866) 633-0848 on the assigned date at the correct time. When prompted, enter the code 8382912# and you will be connected to the call. If assistance is required at any time, press ‘0’ for the operator. Cellular telephones are permitted to be used for the call, however, it is the responsibility of the persons participating in the call to ensure that they are properly connected to the call and at the correct time.

Assessment Review Board - Board of Negotiation - Conservation Review Board - Environmental Review Tribunal - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Mining and Lands Tribunal - Niagara Escarpment Hearing Office - Office of Consolidated Hearings