From: Kusmierczyk, Irek - M.P. <>
Sent: Friday, July 3, 2020 11:07 AM
To: Vlachodimos, Steve <
Cc: Mazloum, Sami (Kusmierczyk, Irek - MP) <
Subject: Reduced Speeds on the Detroit River

Good Morning Steve,

I hope this note finds you well and in good spirits.

I am emailing to confirm receipt of the petition letter from Windsor City Council of June 19th, 2020 requesting reduction of speeds along the Detroit River.

A formal hard copy letter will be forthcoming shortly, but I wanted to let you know in the meantime that we have been in communication with Minister Garneau’s team on this issue.

My Warmest Regards,

Irek Kusmierczyk

Member of Parliament for Windsor-Tecumseh

Parliamentary Secretary of Employment,

Workforce Development and Disability


Justice Building, Suite 700

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Tel: 613-402-4672