City Council
Monday, June 15, 2020

c) That the Purchasing Manager BE AUTHORIZED to issue Purchase Orders as may be required to effect the recommendation noted above, subject to all specification being satisfactory in technical content to the Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities and City Engineer; in financial content to the City Treasurer.

  1. The Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute any agreements, declarations or approvals required resulting from receiving grant funding approval subject to such documents being satisfactory in technical content to the City Engineer as well as the Corporate Leader, Parks and Recreation & Culture and Facilities, in financial content to the City Treasurer, and in Legal form to the City Solicitor; and,

  2. The Chief Administrative Officer BE AUTHORIZED to delegate signing of all claims, progress reports and applicable schedules and other such documents as may be required as part of the request for payment to the Senior Manager of Engineering or designate, subject to financial content approval from the area’s Financial Planning Administrator or their manager.

At the request of Councillor Gignac, a recorded vote is taken.