City Council
Monday, June 15, 2020

Decision Number: CR317/2020
  1. That City Council APPROVE the design of the building and the terraces for the Celestial Beacon prepared by Architecttura Inc. as the new home for Streetcar No. 351 located on the waterfront North of Riverside drive at the foot of Askin Avenue in Assumption Park North as attached under APPENDIX C; along with the following:

    • That the patio terrace footprint BE REDUCED to under 10,000 square feet; and,

    • That administration BE DIRECTED to work with the architects and the designers to try to naturalize and landscape as much of the paved footprint as possible, while maintaining accessibility and functionality; and,

    • That spruce trees BE PLANTED and spread out in a responsible way so as not to further obstruct views; and further,

    • That the height of the street car enclosure BE LOWERED to as much as practical while taking into account ERCA’s considerations and public safety.

  2. That City Council DIRECT the Manager of Park Development to apply for an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 for any portion of the building (Celestial Beacon) that extends above the crown of the pavement within Riverside Drive; and,

  3. That the City Planner BE DELEGATED the authority to approve the Site Plan Control Application and BE AUTHORIZED to approve minor changes to the design to allow for the construction of a permanent building (Celestial Beacon) to house Streetcar No. 351; and,

  4. That City Council AUTHORIZE the Chief Administrative Officer to submit a grant application for the Celestial Beacon /Streetcar Museum project to the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund requesting $3,032,066 in grant funding; and,

  5. That City Council APPROVE the following recommendations upon receiving confirmation that the City’s grant application submission has been received by the grant provider for their review and consideration:

    1. That Council PRE-APPROVE and AWARD any procurement(s) necessary that are related to the Celestial Beacon /Streetcar Museum project, provided that the procurement(s) are within approved budget amounts, pursuant to the Purchasing By-Law 93-2012 and amendments thereto; satisfactory in financial content to City Treasurer, and in technical content to the to Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities and City Engineer; and further,

    2. That the Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to take any such action required to effect the recommendation noted above and sign any required documentation/agreement(s) for the Celestial Beacon /Streetcar Museum project, satisfactory in legal form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities and City Engineer and in financial content to the City Treasurer; and further,