Flood #2 August 2020

My husband is away working. I get up in the morning and look out the front door. I feel sick. The ditch is full and the water is at least 3 inches over the road. And yes, I have the photos to prove it. I know what I’m going to find when I look in the basement, I can smell it and sure enough, another six inches of water. I wade into the waters. I see the cat’s litter box floating, along with a couple of laundry baskets and other assorted items. I look at the litter box and actually started to laugh hysterically. I have to deal with this pretty much by myself…but hey on the plus side I’ve been through this before so I know the ropes, and if you think I’m being sarcastic, you’re damned right I am. I called my boss and he was kind enough to come over and help me get the water out of the basement. Again, I call the insurance company. That night the adjuster shows up and over the next couple of days anything not damaged it brought up into my family room and living room. Again it looks like a bloody hoarder lives in my house. I am SO angry.

Our neighbour takes a walk along Bliss Rd. He comes back to tell me what he has seen. I go check it out as well. From the 3700 block heading toward EC Rowe the water in the ditches is flowing. You can see it move. As you get to the other end of Bliss, barely any water in the ditches. At the 3800/3900 block the water is still up over the road and it’s not moving at all. It doesn’t take an engineer to figure out something is wrong. If it’s not flowing that means a blockage. I call the City of Windsor and they give me the email address and phone number of a city engineer. I can’t remember his name but his email is:pnguy@citywindsor.com I’m told it could take several days to get back to me – the excuse is Covid 19. How convenient! Try and call and his mail box if full so I left an email explaining what I saw. He got back to me and said someone would be out to look at it. Well I sure as hell didn’t see anyone from the city, nor did any of my neighbours. I email him back asking when will someone be out. Never did receive a reply. Thanks for the great customer service City of Windsor (insert eye roll here)

At least we got smart after 2017 and kept things in plastic tubs and mostly off the floor. But not everything could be taken off the floor. I lost a washer, dryer and freezer this time, along with Christmas ornaments and three Christmas trees, , some other items, oh and building materials for further renos we wanted to do in the house – and guess what!? Those are not covered by insurance. Thankfully, the loses were nothing like the August 2017 flood. Still, it’s about $10,000.00 in damages. I wonder if we will still have flood insurance or if our insurance company is going to tell us to piss up a rope. I know several of our neighbours can no longer get flood insurance.

We are so incredibly angry. You can’t even begin to imagine. It's time the City of Windsor do something about the flooding issue. It’s not a 100 year event as claimed….my math sucks but twice in 3 years…that is NOT a 100 year event. I don’t understand how the hell you can waste a million dollars on stupid Christmas lights. That million dollars would go a long way in fixing the flooding issues in our neighbourhood. I bet if Dilken’s basement flooded, it would be taken care of pronto.

As of this writing, the contractors are in my basement and hopefully they will be done by Friday. Then, once they are done I get to clean every wall and every surface and every damned thing we own AGAIN, to get the dust off. Then I’ll go wash all our clothes and bedding. I swear that I still smell that ‘flood stink’. Then I think I’m going to have a very much deserved bottle of wine.