When you are ready to obtain final approval and register the plan, the following must be submitted:

  1. Fee for Final Approval & Registration — see Section 14 - Fees on page 13;

  2. One (1) mylar copy of the plan to be registered;

  3. Five (5) paper copies of the plan to be registered, one of which has the AOLS Plans Submission Form attached to it; and

  4. One digital file transfer device containing geo-referenced CAD files of the plan to be registered. 


Read the staff report, draft approval, final approval, and agreements carefully and take note of all conditions and expiry dates in these documents.

Other municipal departments and external agencies may have their own requirements, fees and approvals in addition to the requirements, fees and approvals listed in this application form.

The City of Windsor does not send reminders regarding conditions and expiry dates. It is the responsibility of the property owner to complete all conditions, or obtain approval from Council or the delegated approval authority to extend draft approval, prior to the expiry date.

When submitting an extension to draft approval, you must allow for sufficient time to process the application and to obtain approval of the extension. Submission, or acceptance, of an application for an extension to draft approval does not automatically extend the expiry date. It is the responsibility of the property owner to be aware of all conditions and expiry dates. 

Planning legislation, regulations, fees, and processes are subject to change. 


Planning & Building Department—Planning Division Suite 210
350 City Hall Square West
Windsor ON N9A 6S1 

Telephone: 519-255-6543
Fax: 519-255-6544
Email. planningdept@citywindsorca
Web Site: