From: AMO Communications

Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 4:01 PM

Subject: AMO Policy Update – COVID-19 Framework Updated

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AMO Policy Update – COVID-19 Framework Updated

Province updates COVID-19 Framework with new lower thresholds

The province is revising its to respond to the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases and has updated the by lowering the thresholds for each level in the framework. The province is stating that these updates are necessary and will help limit the spread of COVID-19 while keeping schools open, maintaining health system capacity, protecting the province's most vulnerable, and avoiding broader future lockdowns.

The latest public health modelling indicates that if the number of new cases continue to grow at its current rate, the province could register up to 6,500 new cases per day by mid-December. Within the next two weeks the province will likely exceed its intensive care threshold of 150 beds, under any potential scenario. Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, will continue to monitor the situation and may provide additional public health recommendations to the Premier and Cabinet next week.

The framework update responds to the current data and projected trends. The threshold for each of the five levels have been lowered for: