in this report allowing for the RFP to be awarded, pending written confirmation of the grant being awarded.

Risk Analysis:

There is a slight risk that the project may have delays in implementation resulting in a loss of funding if the projects can’t be completed by March 31, 2022. The project lead for the project will communicate any slippage of timelines so the grant provider can be notified and we can negotiate with grant provider. Administration is also planning to issue the RFP in February so that should we receive notification of being successful in obtaining the grant funding the contract can be immediately awarded and work started.

There is the risk that the actual costs will exceed estimated costs. To mitigate this risk cost estimates include a contingency.

Failure to provide required reports will result in either a delay or suspension of project funding. This can be mitigated by ensuring funding is available if necessary, to hire resources to complete the reports.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:

There are no climate change mitigation risks associated with the completion of this study.

Climate Change Adaptation:

This study will identify vulnerability and risks under current and future climate change projections including Detroit River high water levels and winter wave energy changes and how these changes will affect City infrastructure (roads and sewers) and associated impacts on the local Community.

Financial Matters:

The estimated total costs for this project is $400,000, all of which are also eligible expenses. As a result the funding request would be for $200,000 with the City required to provide $200,000 in matching funding. As this project was identified in the SMP, the Sewer Master Plan Implementation project (#7199004) is being recommended as the funding source. This project has unallocated funding to cover the $200,000 in City matching funding. It should be noted that this grant will only provide funding upon completion of the project. This project should be able to sustain the additional $200,000 in expenses until such time as the grant funding is received, without incurring financing costs to the project.


Anna Godo – Engineer III

Luigi Congi – Asset Coordinator