City of Windsor
400 City Hall Square East
Windsor ON N9A 7K6
Dear Madam or Sir
I am writing to express my concern about the continual flooding in the Devonwoods Conservation area.
I purchased my residence at 3757 Shinglecreek in or about May 2013.
It is a two story with a full basement and it backs onto the Devonwood Conservation area.
I proceeded to finish the basement after I took possession.
Then four (4) floods occurred.
My basement was destroyed, and belongings were damaged each time.
The flooring had to be torn up and replaced three (3) times. The drywall had to be cut up and items that were water damages had to be replaced.
My insurance only covered two (2) of the floods and the other two (2) had to be paid by me out of pocket.
I will not be covered by insurance if there is another flood.
I have had to install a new and an additional sump pump and add drains in the basement window wells to try to stop the flooding as well as add downspouts all around my house.
These measures seem to be working but my sump pump is running constantly.
The rain storms are more frequent now and every time it storms I am on high alert and checking my basement constantly in case it floods again.
Attached is a photo of the most recent rain storm in August 2020.
As you can see the street is flooded outside my house.
The ditch behind my house is also full each time it storms.
I called the City after hours number to notify them of the flooding as did some of my neighbors.
Within hours of this flooding, the street was drained.
It was as if the City turned on a switch to open the drains.
I do not feel that the sewer system is adequate to handle the volume of rain that accumulates during these frequent storms.
More houses are being built in this area and I fear that the system will be over loaded as it cannot handle the already existing homes.
By way of this letter, I am requesting that the City conduct and investigation and take appropriate measures to address the flooding issue and lack of sewer capacity in this area.
Yours truly
Anita Landry