City Council
Monday, November 9, 2020

Mike Cardinal, Area Resident

Mike Cardinal, area resident, appears before Council to express concern regarding the request for a proposed demolition of the enclosed porch and balcony at the rear of 436 Askin Avenue, to facilitate a rear addition and conversion to a semi-detached dwelling, suggesting that this seems to be the makings of a lodging house and that this density does not fit on a residential street.

Sheila Wisdom, Area Resident

Sheila Wisdom, area resident, appears before Council to express concern regarding the request for a proposed demolition of the enclosed porch and balcony at the rear of 436 Askin Avenue, to facilitate a rear addition and conversion to a semi-detached dwelling, and supports refusal of this request, in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, Section 30 Effect of the Notice of Designation.

Helen Martin, Area Resident

Helen Martin, area resident, appears before Council to express concern regarding the request for a proposed demolition of the enclosed porch and balcony at the rear of 436 Askin Avenue, to facilitate a rear addition and conversion to a semi-detached dwelling, stating that Council must recognize the importance of heritage and maintain the integrity of the neighbourhood.

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: CR553/2020 DHSC 207

  1. That Administration BE REQUESTED to give notice of intention to designate the property located at 436 Askin Ave in accordance with Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; within 60 days from September 25, 2020; and,

  2. That the request to demolish the enclosed porch and balcony at the rear of 436 Askin Ave to facilitate a rear addition and conversion to a semi-detached dwelling as currently proposed, BE REFUSED, in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, Section 30 Effect of the Notice of Designation; and,

  3. That Administration REPORT BACK to Council regarding initiation of a Heritage Conservation District Area Study for this area; and, that the report include suggestions related to potential boundaries, optional designation of a Heritage Conservation District Study Area Bylaw, timing of the study and funding considerations.


Report Number: SCM 311/2020 & S 53/2020

Clerk’s File: MBA2020