City Council
Monday, November 9, 2020

Dr. Wassim Saad, Windsor Regional Hospital Chief of Staff

Dr. Wassim Saad, Windsor Regional Hospital Chief of Staff, appears before Council to provide comment regarding the request to support construction of a new regional acute care hospital on the land purchased by Windsor Regional Hospital and to ask the Government of Ontario to prioritize funding to move this project forward, stating the current and existing sites are a patchwork of out-dated and efficient buildings, limited in space and design and limit the staff, with hardly any privacy for patients.

Karen Riddell, PV Critical Care, Cardiology, Stroke, Trauma & Clinical Support Services – Windsor Regional Hospital

Karen Riddell, PV Critical Care, Cardiology, Stroke, Trauma & Clinical Support Services – Windsor Regional Hospital, appears before Council to provide comment regarding the request to support construction of a new regional acute care hospital on the land purchased by Windsor Regional Hospital and to ask the Government of Ontario to prioritize funding to move this project forward, suggesting that the Covid19 pandemic has exposed the current infrastructure challenges and asks that the proposed motion be approved.

John S. Holmes, Resident

John S. Holmes, resident, appears before Council to provide comment regarding the request to support construction of a new regional acute care hospital on the land purchased by Windsor Regional Hospital and to ask the Government of Ontario to prioritize funding to move this project forward, stating that the proposed location will result in the city core suffering and concludes by stating that the process that was undertaken was flawed from the beginning and that the proposed motion should be rejected.

Richard St. Denis, Resident

Richard St. Denis, resident, appears before Council to provide comment regarding the request to support construction of a new regional acute care hospital on the land purchased by Windsor Regional Hospital and to ask the Government of Ontario to prioritize funding to move this project forward, stating that it should be supported given the fact that the land has been secured and every appeal has failed and that challenges such as transit can be easily addressed.

Beth Ann Prince, President of Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation

Beth Ann Prince, President of Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation, appears before Council to provide comment regarding the request to support construction of a new regional acute care hospital on the land purchased by Windsor Regional Hospital and to ask the Government of Ontario to prioritize funding to move this project forward, suggesting the proposed motion should be supported and states that the current buildings limit the ability to purchase new state of the art equipment and medical devises and also limit their capital fundraising campaign.