
Consulting Engineers

September 10th, 2019

Mayor and Municipal Council
The Corporation of the City of Windsor
350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1

Mayor Dilkens and Members of Council:

Former Geographic Twp. of Sandwich West
Project REI2017D012
City of Windsor, County of Essex


In accordance with the instructions provided at your July 17th, 2017 meeting and received from the City by letter dated July 26th, 2017 from Steve Vlachodimos, your Deputy City Clerk/Senior Manager of Council Services, we have prepared the following report that provides for repair and improvements of the Cahill Drain – Upper Part, along with bridge repairs and improvements along the drain, together with ancillary work. The Cahill Drain – Upper Part comprises of an open municipal drain generally located on the north side of Cousineau Road between Howard Avenue and the Herb Gray Parkway, in the geographic township of Sandwich West, City of Windsor. The Cahill Drain continues on from the Herb Gray Parkway in a generally northwest and westerly direction, through the Municipal Boundary of the Town of LaSalle and the City of Windsor, until it outlets into the Turkey Creek in LaSalle. A plan showing the Cahill Drain - Upper Part, as well as the general location of the bridges along the drain, is included herein as part of the report.

Our appointment and the works relative to the repair and improvements to the Cahill Drain – Upper Part, proposed under this report, is in accordance with Section 78 of the “Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter D.17, as amended 2010”. We have performed all of the necessary survey, investigations, etcetera, for the proposed repairs and improvements to the bridges and drain, and we report thereon as follows.


From our review of the information provided from the City’s drainage files we have established the following reports that we utilized as reference for carrying out this project:

  1. January 20th, 2017                        Lennon Drain               Gerard Rood, P.Eng. 

  2. June 6th, 1997       S.W.M. Study, Westbrook Estates Subdivision   W.L. Knowles, P.Eng.