Council Resolution CR136/2020 was adopted at the April 27, 2020 meeting of City Council, and reads:

That the report of the City Engineer dated February 6, 2020 entitled “Response to CQ3-2020 – Extended Payment Terms for Drainage/Local Improvement Assessments” BE RECEIVED; and further,

That a 20-year payment option for property owners to repay special charges for drainage and local improvements BE IMPLEMENTED at interest rates deemed appropriate by administration.

The 10 year interest rate for the costs of the work is 2.46% and the 20 year interest rate is 6.09%. The property owners have a right to select either a single payment or the special equal annual rate sufficient to pay the principal and interest over the period of ten or twenty years.

Ultimately, the Drainage Tribunal was held virtually on September 30, 2020. The appellant made mention that they were not aware of the decision of Council and advised all parties that they wished to withdraw their appeal. The hearing concluded on official withdrawal of the appeal.

Following both the Court of Revision and the Drainage Tribunal, no changes or amendments were made to the report as all appeals filed had been resolved. The By-law may now be passed by City Council in giving the third and final reading of the Provisional By-law.

Risk Analysis:

The risk of not undertaking this drain project includes the potential for flooding damages to adjacent lands, which could present a financial liability against the City.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:


Client Change Adaption: 


Financial Matters:

Expenses associated with the repair and improvements to the Cahill Drain will be assessed to the Corporation of the City of Windsor in accordance with CR388/2007 and CR64/2015, with the exception of a portion of the private structure work deemed to be a Special Benefit as defined by the Drainage Act and identified by the consulting engineer. All costs are outlined in the attached drainage report.