The total estimated cost to undertake this project is $614,000.00 (including non-recoverable HST). The net cost to the City of Windsor is estimated to be $432,341.00 [estimated cost of $614,000.00 (less) recoveries from Windsor property owners of $181,659.00]. Funding for this project will come from future years within ECP-004-08 Municipal Drains Capital Rehabilitation Program, which will be further addressed in a future Council Report when Administration tenders the work.



Administration recommends that City Council give 3rd reading to Provisional By-law 130- 2019, which provisionally adopted the Drainage Report entitled, “Cahill Drain – Upper Part”, dated September 10, 2019 in accordance with Section 58 of the Drainage Act.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Fahd Mikhael Manager of Design and Development
France Isabelle-Tunks Senior Manager of Engineering / Deputy City Engineer
Mark Winterton City Engineer and Corporate LeaderEnvironmental Protection andInfrastructure Services
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety
Joe Mancina Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer andCorporate Leader Finance andTechnology
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer



