indicated as sensitive and endangered in the area, we have included herein a copy of the M.N.R.F. - M.E.C.P. mitigation requirements for them in Appendix “REI-B”.

Providing mitigation requirements are implemented, it was concluded that present wildlife Species at Risk will be protected from negative impacts and the works will not contravene Section 9 (species protection) or Section 10 (habitat protection) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007.

The Contractor is to review Appendix “REI-B” in detail and is required to comply in all regards with the contents of said M.N.R.F. & M.E.C.P. measures, and follow the special requirements therein included during construction. Throughout the course of construction, the Contractor will be responsible to ensure that all necessary provisions are undertaken to protect all species at risk and their habitats. If a threatened or sensitive species is encountered, the Contractor shall notify the City and M.N.R.F. - M.E.C.P. and provide all the equipment and materials stipulated by the mitigation requirements for handling the species and cooperate fully with the City and M.N.R.F.


The Contractor is advised that the majority of the work to be carried out on this project extends along the north side of Cousineau Road and along the south side of the Cahill Drain – Upper Part. The Contractor shall have access for the full width of the roadway abutting the proposed drainage works. The Contractor may utilize the right-of-way as necessary, to permit the completion of all of the work required to be carried out for this project. The Contractor shall also have access into the driveways as necessary to carry out the removal of the existing access bridge and to construct the new and replacement access bridges, as set out on the plans and in these specifications, along with a sufficient area in the vicinity of the bridges to carry out the required construction of the removal of sediment, new bridge structure installation and replacements, and ancillary work.

The Contractor shall ensure that the traveling public is protected at all times while utilizing the roadway for its access. The Contractor shall provide traffic control, including flag persons when required. Should the Contractor have to close Cousineau Road for the proposed works and when work is done on road crossings over the drain, it shall obtain the permission of the City Drainage Engineer or Consulting Engineer and arrange to provide the necessary notification of detours around the site. The Contractor shall also ensure that all emergency services including police, ambulance and fire, school bus companies, etcetera are contacted about the disruption to access at least 48 hours in advance of same. All detour routes shall be established in consultation with the City of Windsor Engineering and Works Departments and proper signage installed.

Throughout the course of the work it is imperative that the Contractor protect as much landscaping and vegetation as possible when accessing along the drain. This will be of particular concern along the lawn areas of residential properties. Due to the extent of the work and the area for carrying out the work, the Contractor will be required to carry out all of the necessary steps to direct traffic and provide temporary diversion of traffic around work sites, including provision of all lights, signs, flag persons, and barricades required to protect the safety of the traveling public. Any accesses or areas used in carrying out the works are to be fully restored to their original conditions by the Contractor at its cost, including topsoil placement and lawn restoration as directed by the City Drainage Engineer and the Consulting Engineer. Restoration shall include but not be limited to all necessary leveling, grading, shaping, topsoil placement, seeding, mulching, and granular and hard surface placement required to make good any damage caused.