Where there is any brush, trees or rubbish along the course of the drainage works, for the full width of the drain channel cross section, including the full width of the work access, all such brush, trees or rubbish shall be close cut and grubbed out, and the whole shall be chipped up for recycling, or otherwise satisfactorily disposed of by the Contractor. The brush and trees removed along the course of the work are to be put into piles by the Contractor in locations where they can be safely chipped and disposed of, or burned by it, or hauled away and disposed of by the Contractor to a site to be obtained by it at its expense. Prior to and during the course of any burning operations, the Contractor shall comply with the guidelines prepared by the Air Quality Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and shall ensure that the Environmental Protection Act is not violated. The Contractor will be required to notify the local fire authorities to obtain any permits and co-operate with them in the carrying out of any work. The removal of brush and trees shall be carried out in close consultation with the City Drainage Engineer or Consulting Engineer to ensure that no decorative trees or shrubs are disturbed by the operations of the Contractor that can be saved. It is the intent of this project to save as many trees and bushes as practical within the roadway allowances and on private lands. Where decorative trees or shrubs are located directly over drainage pipes, the Contractor shall carefully extract same and turn them over to the Owner when requested to do so, and shall cooperate with the Owner in the reinstallation of same if required.

The Contractor shall protect all other trees, bushes, and shrubs located along the length of the drainage works except for those trees that are established, in consultation with the City Drainage Engineer, the Consulting Engineer, and the Owners, to be removed as part of the works. The Contractor shall note that protecting and saving the trees may require the Contractor to carry out hand work around the trees, bushes, and shrubs to complete the necessary final site grading and restoration.

Following the completion of the work, the Contractor is to trim up any broken or damaged limbs on trees which are to remain standing, and it shall dispose of said branches along with other brush, thus leaving the trees in a neat and tidy condition.

The Contractor shall remove all deleterious materials and rubbish along the course of the open drain in the location of the work areas and any such materials located in the bridge culverts while carrying out its cleaning of same. All such deleterious materials and rubbish shall be loaded up and hauled away by the Contractor to a site to be obtained by it at its cost.


Where it is necessary to take down any fence to proceed with the work, the same shall be done by the Contractor across or along that portion of the work where such fence is located. The Contractor will be required to exercise extreme care in the removal of any fencing so as to cause a minimum of damage to same. The Contractor will be required to reinstall any fence that is taken down in order to proceed with the work, and the fence shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. The Contractor will not be required to procure any new materials for rebuilding the fence provided that it has used reasonable care in the removal and reinstatement