the proper and adequate execution and maintenance of the Works, and the Contractor shall carry out and be bound by the same.
- In the event of any inconsistency or conflict in the contents of the following documents, such documents shall take precedence and govern in the following order:
- Agreement
- Addenda
- Special Provisions
- Contract Drawings
- Supplementary Specifications and Mandatory Procedures and Practices
- Standard Specifications
- Form of Tender
- Supplemental General Conditions
- General Conditions
- Working Drawings
Later dates shall govern within each of the above categories of documents.
- In the event of any conflict among or inconsistency in the information shown on Drawings, the following rules shall apply:
- Dimensions shown in figures on a Drawing shall govern where they differ from dimensions scaled from the same Drawing;
- Drawings of larger-scale shall govern over those of smaller scales;
- Detailed Drawings shall govern over general Drawings; and
- Drawings of a later date shall govern over those of an earlier date in the same series.
- In the event of any conflict in the contents of Standard Specifications the following order of precedence shall govern:
- Specifications approved or modified by the Engineer b. City of Windsor Standard Specifications