Disconnect downspouts;
Determine enforcement and consequences;
Conduct post-disconnection flow monitoring;
Pre and post flow monitoring to evaluate.
One of the pilot areas is proposed to be located within the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection zone bounded by Norfolk St. to the North, Dougall Ave/Howard Avenue to the East and the Herb Gray Parkway to the West and South. It is anticipated that the program will be ready to begin in the Spring of 2021.
While mandatory downspout disconnection has many benefits, some of the negatives include:
Possible increase in surface flooding complaints (311, Building Department impacts)
Possible flooding of adjacent properties
Resident resistance to entering onto private property
Additional staffing requirement to administer program
Additional cost to administer the program
Once there are sufficient results to indicate the effectiveness of the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Pilot program, the results will be communicated to Council.
Ward 9 - Ditch Survey and Inspection of Private Culverts
Ward 9 flooding was largely related to surface rain water flooding. The area hit hardest in Ward 9 is an area, which has ditches and privately owned and privately installed culverts.
With respect to the culverts, it is up to the homeowner to inspect and maintain them. It appears that some of the private culverts have collapsed or are collapsing and require maintenance. In addition, it appears that culverts differ in elevations. Since 1991, the City of Windsor has required permits related to the installation of driveways with culverts. Many culverts in this area pre-date 1991.
Administration proposes conducting a ditch survey and inspection of private culverts on residential streets in Ward 9 impacted by the flooding as a result of the August 28, 2020 to identify problem areas.
Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Program
When a large rainfall occurs, such as the August 28th event, rainfall can enter the City's sanitary sewer in a number of ways including direct sewer connections, infiltration, through manhole covers, etc. This rainfall can cause the sewer system to surcharge and back up into homes, resulting in basement flooding.
The City of Windsor has undertaken a number of efforts to address inflow and infiltration measures in recent years. These efforts have included downspout disconnection, catch