The City currently has an existing downspout disconnection program and began its city-wide Downspout Disconnection Program in January 2012. The program is currently free of charge, voluntary, and open to all residential homes interested in disconnecting their downspout(s). Participation is very low. To date approximately only 4% of homes have taken advantage of the program.

Disconnecting downspouts is a simple and inexpensive method of reducing the amount of storm water entering the sewer system during a rainstorm. The direct benefit to residents of downspout disconnection is realized by the delay of entry by runoff from roofs and impervious surfaces into the sewer during the most intense periods of the storm. This eases pressures on the system at critical times and directly reduces the potential of basement flooding. A further benefit to the community is realized by reduction in the frequency and severity of sewer surcharging due to stormwater infiltration.

In addition to the direct benefit of reducing the load on the sewer system and a proportionate reduction in the risk of basement flooding, indirect benefits include reduced water to the sewage treatment plants and reduction in treatment costs.

Under By-Law 26-2008, parts of the City may require mandatory disconnection. A mandatory disconnection program is a high priority recommendation within the Sewer Master Plan. While mandatory downspout disconnection was first adopted by City Council in 2008 and adopted for various neighbourhoods, implementation has been challenging to enact. The public good inherent in removing inflow to the sewer system is cited as compromising adherence to the Property Standards By-law and building drainage requirements. A report will be forthcoming from the Engineering Department at a later date that speaks to the history of the mandatory program and proposal to implement and address these issues.

Ward 1 - Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Pilot Program

On July 27, 2020, Council approved $1,500,000 to proceed with immediate short term projects/programs which are to be charged to Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project. The projects/programs include:

  1. Mandatory downspout disconnection pilot program and monitoring

  2. Contract to seal maintenance hole covers in low lying areas

  3. Develop an educational program to outline measures that can be implemented on private property to reduce the risk of flooding

Work on these three items is underway. With respect to the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Pilot Program, Administration is currently putting together the program which will: