the implementation of projects recommended in the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan.

There also remains additional funding in the Sewer Master Plan Implementation project from 2025 through 2027 in the amount of $25,157,950 that was approved in principal as part of the 2020 Capital Budget, to be considered for other projects. Additionally, funding allocated to the Basement Flooding Abatement Program, City Wide Sewer Rehabilitation and Local Improvement project funding, may in part be leveraged to implement additional programs and or projects recommended in the Sewer and Coastal Flooding Protection Master Plan as appropriate.

Recommendations on which Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan projects to undertake and in which order will be presented annually to Council as part of the City’s Capital Budget process where they will be considered amongst the City’s other infrastructure, planning and growth management responsibilities. When establishing the priority of the recommendations contained in the Sewer Master Plan work, Administration will use a set of Guiding Principles taking into consideration not only the priority assigned to it as part of the Sewer Master Plan but also other factors such as harmonizing capital projects with overlapping goals. In addition, the results of pilot projects and other Sewer Master Plan recommendations already undertaken will be considered. (i.e. downspout disconnection, maintenance hole sealing, foundation drain disconnection).

It is also important to note that the operational and maintenance costs resulting from the implementation of these various recommendations, as well as the capital requirements to sustain them may result in additional operational and or capital costs. As is consistent with the City’s asset management policy and procedures, Public Works, Operations and Pollution Control will continue to track the impact new assets and or practices may have on their costs. These will be reported to City Council as part of the annual operational budget and or the 2023 Asset Management Plan, as appropriate, to ensure the City is able to keep these assets in good working order to achieve the benefits associated with them.


Melissa Osborne – Senior Manager of Asset Planning

Michael Dennis – Manager of Capital Budget & Reserves

Carrie McCrindle – Financial Planning Administrator

Dwayne Dawson – Executive Director of Operations

Rob Slater – Executive Initiatives Coordinator