1. The duties of the Site Representative are to monitor and inspect the Works and to test and examine any materials (GC 3.12 & GC 3.13) to be used, or workmanship employed, in connection with the works. The Site Representative shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or obligations under the Contract.

  2. The Site Representative will inspect the work for conformity with plans and specifications and will measure, tabulate and record quantities under the schedule of tender quantities and unit prices.

  3. In the case of extra work, the Site Representatives will keep records of quantities, materials, labor and equipment as per section GC 7.09.

  4. The Site Representative will investigate all allegations of a change in the character of the Work, made by the Contractor, and will report the details to the Engineer.

  5. The Site Representative will have the authority to reject work or material which does not conform to Contract Specifications.

  6. The Site Representative will have the authority to temporarily suspend the work for such reasonable time as it may be necessary to facilitate the checking of any portion of the Contractor's construction layout or the inspection on any portion of the work. There will be no compensation for the suspension of work. 


  1. The Contractor shall arrange for the preparation of clearly identified and dated Working Drawings as called for by the Contract Documents.

  2. The Contractor shall submit Working Drawings to the Engineer with reasonable promptness and in an orderly sequence so as to not cause delay in the Work. If either the Contractor or the Engineer so requests they shall jointly prepare a schedule fixing the dates for submission and return of Working Drawings. Working Drawings shall be submitted in the form of prints. At the time of submission, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any deviations from the Contract requirements that exist in the Working Drawings.

  3. The Engineer will review and return Working Drawings in accordance with an agreed-upon schedule, or otherwise, with reasonable promptness so as not to cause a delay.