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- ii. Where it is impracticable, due to the nature of the work, to negotiate unit prices for extra work not included in the Tender, the cost of this work may be paid for by a force account, and authorized by an order issued prior to carrying out the work, and for which payment is based on hourly rates for labour and equipment and on material invoices.
- Supervision and Control
- Force account work will be generally overseen by the Engineer who will keep a daily record of all work on the City's standard "Daily Work Record" Form. These records must be reconciled with the Contractor's representative EACH day. The Contractor, while working on force account work, will remain the "Constructor" within the meaning of the O.H.S.A.
- Method of Billing by Contractor
- In the case of extra work which has received prior approval with unit prices, all information must be clearly described on the "Change Order Form" complete with final monetary value.
- In the case of extra work which is to be paid by actual labour, material and equipment, the "Daily Work Record" must be summarized per work item and this information reported in total on a "Change Order Form". This information from the daily force accounts summarized on the Change Order Form will become the basis for payment on the progress draw.
- Contractors will not submit invoices for extra or additional work on projects. This will be paid for by progress draw as states in Item (7.08) and the submission of invoices will only service to delay the progress payment.
- All change orders will be numerically numbered per contract. 5. No payment for extra work will be made until the change order has been mutually approved by the Engineer and the contractor.
- Labour
The charge for labour and supervision thereof shall be based on the hourly recorded time of the labourers, mechanics and operators actively and of necessity engaged on the extra work. The contractor's designated representative shall be included and he must be actively involved on a continuous basis in the operation unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer. In no case shall the time of any employee of the contractor or other person be charged for on a lump sum, percentage or estimated basis, and in no case shall any charge be made for administration or management whether the time