e) We recommend that the existing grass areas adjacent to the drain be protected as part of this project. These grass areas reduce the amount of erosion and the sediment entering the drain and enhance water quality.
f) Since all of the work will be carried out at the existing or new driveways, and is primarily within the road allowance and limits of the drain, and because full restoration will be provided, we find that there is no requirement for damages or allowances pursuant to Sections 29 and 30 of the Drainage Act.
We recommend that the Cahill Drain – Upper Part be repaired and improved, in accordance with this report, the attached specifications and the accompanying drawings, and that all works associated with same be carried out pursuant to Section 78 of the “Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter D.17 as amended 2010”.
Our estimate of the Total Cost of this work, including all incidental expenses, is the sum of SIX HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($614,000.00), made up as follows:
- Item 1) Station 0+000.0 to Station 1+472.1; Carry out excavation of the drain to remove accumulated sediment and restore the drain to the profile grade shown on the plans, including all disposal and hauling of material, approximately 1,472.1 metres (approximately 1594 cubic metres).
Lump Sum $ 19,800.00 - Item 2) Station 0+000.0 to 1+472.1; Spread scavenged top soil and carry out seeding and mulching on all newly excavated side slopes as indicated on the plans for approx. 623 lineal metres of affected area, complete.
Lump Sum $ 5,000.00 - Item 3) Station 0+000.0 to 1+472.1; provide all labour, equipment and materials to clear the drain bottom, bank slopes, and top of bank along working side along the length of the drain including all flailing, cutting, piling, chipping or burning, loading, hauling and disposal, complete.
Lump Sum $ 15,000.00 - Item 4) Station 0+000.0 to Station 1+472.1; carry out cleaning of the drain bridges to remove accumulated sediment and restore the drain to the profile grade on the plans, including removal of any deleterious materials, all hauling and disposal of material, complete:
- Bridge No. 2: 15.9 metres at $70.00 per lineal metre $ 1,113.00
- Bridge No. 4: 19.3 metres at $120.00 per lineal metre $ 2,316.00