
The following description illustrates the significance of the Capitol Theatre (“Theatre”) to the City:

“In the heart of Downtown Windsor, the Capitol Theatre boasts a rich history as a local heritage landmark and arts and entertainment hub.

Celebrating its centennial anniversary, the Capitol Theatre opened its door December 30th, 1920, as part of Loew’s vaudeville and film theatre chain. Throughout the years and changes in ownership, technology, bankruptcy, and restorations, the Capitol has been a place for Windsor to come together, present art and entertainment, and generate lasting memories.

Today, the Capitol is owned by the City of Windsor, managed by its anchor tenant, the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, and is the proud home of organizations including WIFF-Windsor International Film Festival, Windsor Dance eXperience, Art Cite, and Arts Collective Theatre. The Capitol Theatre provides local artists and community groups a multi-purpose venue for dance, literature, music, drama, film, and more. The Theatre is also used by touring professional companies. The Theatre is a cultural and entertainment hub in the city centre and is working with other partners (WIFF, UWindsor, St. Clair College, City of Windsor, Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association) to revitalize the heart of the city.”

As part of the ongoing maintenance of the facility, there are several items that require addressing in the immediate future, such as basement leak repairs, carpeting and HVAC system.


The Ministry of Canadian Heritage offers many funding opportunities, one of which includes the Legacy Fund and is part of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage program.

The Legacy Fund is meant to support capital projects that: