Applications for Legacy Fund support are accepted on a continuous basis and if successful, the City could receive funding of up to 50% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $500,000.

As mentioned above, a number of maintenance items require addressing at the Capitol Theatre. These works include basement leak repairs, carpeting, flooring and HVAC replacement. All of these works were identified in the recently approved 2020 8-Year Capital Budget. While funding for the work was allocated over several years, the ability to pre-commit the funds and start the work now will strengthen the grant application and improve conditions of the facility in recognition of the centennial anniversary.

With the Theatre’s 100th anniversary approaching on December 30, 2020, as well as the cultural significance of the Theatre and the nature of the proposed improvements, Administration sees these renovations as part of a viable application for the Legacy Fund. Administration, as a result, is requesting Council approval to proceed with submitting an application for funding.

As part of a partnership with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra (“WSO”), a number of additional renovations have been identified for the Theatre. Should the City be successful in its’ Legacy Fund application, City funding equal to the contribution received from the Legacy Fund could be redirected to pay for these additional capital items.

The WSO has identified four goals for the additional capital items and improvements:

Currently, the Theatre operates using equipment and electrical installations that were part of the major renovations completed in the early 1990s. The identified capital improvement will replace outdated equipment, fill gaps in equipment, and reduce energy and repair costs currently being incurred. The Theatre struggles now to meet renters’ technical requirements, often spending funds to rent equipment or staff time in finding an alternative solution. Without the capital improvements, the Theatre will fall even further behind in its’ capacity to meet renters’ technical requirements, thus compromising its’ revenue generation capacity. Lastly, the WSO, as the operator of the Capitol Theatre, hopes these capital improvements will provide the lasting benefits that often flow from centennial projects by increasing the value of this asset for the entire community.