November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information Notice of Motion

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I do not support the construction of the new regional acute care hospital on County Road 42. In particular, I am very concerned about transportation. Driving south on Walker Road any time during the day is a long and slow process. And all the while you were moving toward this endeavour, you were building mediums on that very same road making it impossible for ambulances to get around traffic should they need to do so and they will! I live in South Walkerville and the ride to get to that area is at least 20 minutes and even more in rush hour. Residents west and north of us will have an even longer trip. The city deserves hospitals in the core and easily accessible. I am in total agreement that the hospitals need to be updated or rebuilt. There must be sites in the city where several hospitals can be built. I cannot speak with expertise about the dangers of mega-hospital creating mega cases of a virus, but it has been noted in several articles.

Lori McCall