November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information Notice of Motion

From: Krysta Glovasky-Ridsdale

Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 9:19 AM

To: clerks <>

Cc: mayoro <>; Francis, Fred <>; Costante, Fabio <>; Bortolin, Rino <>; Holt, Chris <>; Sleiman, Ed <>; Gignac, Jo-Anne (Councillor) <>; Gill, Jeewen <>; Kaschak, Gary <>; Mckenzie, Kieran <>; Morrison, Jim <>

Subject: Mayor's motion regarding prioritizing the hospital at the County Rd 42 location, Nov 9th 2020

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I am unable to attend the meeting due to a scheduling conflict. However, I do wish to submit a statement.

In the past, it was made very clear that any votes were NOT about the location itself, and that any vote against would be seen as a vote against better healthcare in our region and for our city.

This motion is specifically worded that any vote YES means voting YES to the location itself. In the past it was asserted that the location was not under the purview of council nor a council matter. Why has this changed? Why is the motion then not set in two parts, one that asks to prioritize healthcare for our region, and a second part regarding the location? Why is the location mentioned at all?

We have no infrastructure to build a hospital there. We had no infrastructure for the jail, and we still do not. Ward 9 sorely lacks sidewalks and sewers and has for at least 25 years. We have no library, and no community centre. If we don't have money to do these things now, where will the money come from to add this in the future? Development charges won't even begin to cover what is needed.

The plan itself is bad, and calls for removing the last remaining hospitals in Windsor, leaving us with one. No more beds, no new services. It will gut the neighbourhoods that already contain the businesses that support hospitals and move them out into strip malls where people do not live. And I fear that many of them will move just a bit farther down the road to enjoy lower development charges from Tecumseh - since none of it is walk-able there is little difference between driving 10 minute or twelve. We will be left with empty storefronts and plazas, of which our city already has it's fair share.

So many more reasons! Never build on a greenfield if there is brownfield available. The hospital itself takes little of the proposed footprint, most of it is parking lot. Acres of pavement