WRH brags about the number of private rooms available. Covid 19 has taught everyone about the power and need of human interaction. We cannot isolate our sick and elderly at a time they need care the most.

I received a wonderful surprise the other day. My neurologist called to see how I was doing mentally. He has found isolation has had a “profoundly negative impact” on the people he sees. It sounded childish but he was calling to see which of of his patients were in need of a hug.

Has the conversation been held regarding infection control and mental wellness? Our fabulous front line workers have demonstrated they have the ability to contain diseases from MRSA to Covid. In light of all we have learned and the demographics of hospital patients, are private rooms the way to go? Has the discussion been held?

Please note, I’ve briefly critiqued the PLAN and never mentioned location.

For all these reasons I ask that you do not support, item #15, the mayor’s motion to support WRH.

Four of our ten Councillors, were not at the table when there was discussion about rezoning. Which by the way, if you review, had Councillors claiming the rezoning was about getting a hospital or not. It wasn’t. The megameeting was supposed to be about rezoning. The mayor successfully twisted the purpose of the meeting.

Windsor cannot continue to support giving WRH money when WRH refuses to be accountable to anybody, will not update their plan or negotiate with the province. We deserve better than a consolation prize because nobody asked questions.

I repeat myself when I say, this is not about getting a hospital or not getting a hospital. This is about the mayor’s attempt to prop up a poor application by WRH. This is about the mayor trying to get a new hospital, his personal priority. This is about defending the spending by WEEDC on a failed radio commercial and social media campaign.