November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

From: Herb & Jackie Krause

Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2020 10:12 AM

To: clerks <>

Subject: Item 15 Council Agenda

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Democracy is governance BY FOR and OF THE PEOPLE. decisions

When you allow 1 person to make all the we become a dictatorship. You know what the people who elected you want and it's not to relinquish our access to a real hospital with a 24 hour ER and OR in other words HEALTHCARE. It's reprehensible to think we are being forced to fight against a man who as mayor should have our backs The purpose of a council is to provide checks and balances making decisions that serve the people. This is noit what is happening here,

Stop the dog and pony show and start earning your healthy renumeration DO YOUR JOB This is not about the location of a building

It's about HUMANITY and JUSTICE Don't rubber-stamp away people's lives