November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

From: Philip Haddad <>

Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2020 10:28 AM

To: clerks <>

Subject: Item 15 notice of motion on Council agenda Nov. 9

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We do not support the building of a new acute care hospital on County Road 42.

We are very concerned that the loss of farmland for this purpose is against both the City of Windsor Green policies and the Province of Ontario guidelines.

We are also am very concerned that the amount of money required to provide basic services to this property will be the responsibility of the taxpayers of the city of Windsor which only benefits private developers since they will piggyback with no contribution on the use of the services to develop their land. There are other suitable locations in the city with services already existing.

The development on this site will result in increased costs for ambulance services throughout the city since the added distances will require more emergency vehicles and drivers. The added distance and time will also be deadly for patients who must add time before they can receive their emergency aid.

It is time for a rational rethink of the site for the new hospital. The initial site selection process was flawed since all of the factors were not considered when making the decision. Covid 19 has made us aware of many of the flaws of this site.

The citizens of Windsor have contributed towards the buildings and programs for the hospitals now in use. It is a slap in their face to simply close and disregard their contributions of time and money for these hospitals. Other cities such as London with St. Joseph’s Hospital in the core have revitalized and renovated existing facilities