private spaces for nurses, physicians and medical teams to gather, plan care, view charts and documents, etc - on every unit.

Separate and strategically located elevators and routes to transport patients - especially between the OR and critical care areas is ideal. But also elevators for patient use only - away from the main population and visitors. These are just a few items to list.

This can also attract the best healthcare professionals to choose to work and live here. Great for job growth and expanding our economy.

I believe the chosen County Rd 42 site is a great location. Centrally located to meet the entire region - yet still within the city. With plenty of area to grow and expand in future years and decades.

We need this new hospital NOW!

The URGENCY for ALL of us to unite collectively -and push as hard as we can to get this built is absolutely imminent. I believe any form of further delay is too much of a risk - regardless of location preference.

We either collectively push now with the current plan and location- or risk losing everything. Then - we ALL lose.

We all need to shift our thinking and PRIORITIZE this effort immediately. If not - another Ontario city will jump the cue ahead of us for a new hospital.

With the advent of this pandemic - and the resulting - and - ongoing monstrous debt levels at all three levels of government - our chances of getting approval from the Province is fading quickly.

Our city and region worked so hard to get here. Location opponents fought the good fight. We deserve and desperately need a new acute care hospital.

I believe we must move forward together now.


I support this motion before city council today.

Thank you for your time

Rae -Anne Byerley