November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information Notice of Motion

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Favot
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 8:50 AM
To: clerks <>
Subject: Item 15 on the city council agenda of November 9, 2020

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To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing regarding the potential abuse of our environment and the irresponsible neglect of civic responsibility. The much discussed location of the new hospital on County Road 42, many kilometres from the heart of Windsor is an incredible violation of the duties we have given to the city council. I am vehemently against this atrocity and am urging council to put a stop to this immediately.

Other alternatives are available and must be considered for the sake of our environment, the potential damage to the neighborhoods and the hallowing out of the city core that this ridiculous idea will contribute to. As for you Andrew Dilkens, to threaten and intimidate the people with your words, that you expect to hear from the, “ strong majority “, is certainly a reference to you and the monied elite who think they can push anything they want over us, no matter what the effect. This is nothing but intimidation and utter disregard for the people who put you in office. Shame on you.

Council, vote to end this terrible idea from going forward. Our future depends on it.

Most Sincerely,

Franco Favot Ward 4